
  • Can Casinos Tighten Up Slot Machines
    카테고리 없음 2021. 7. 2. 19:12

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    Can Casinos Tighten Up Slot Machines


    10 Secrets Casinos Don't Want You to Know. Subscribe for more amazing videos! Casinos are multi-million dollar business. Can and do casinos change the payout on slot machines? Based on my research that varies on the casino, jurisdiction, type of machine, etc. With the machine it sounds as simple as changing the weight on the reels or swapping out a chip. For years slot players have believed a myth that the casinos could change the payback of a machine with the flip of a switch. They worried that the casino could tighten the machines during busy times such as weekends and then loosen them up to pay more during the week.


    Casinos can and will tighten machines from time to time, but the decision to do so is not taken lightly, and it’s certainly not done with any type of regularity. Unfortunately, it is far more.

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    Discussion in 'Casino Forum' started by Karen Nathan, Apr 1, 2020.

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    Can Casinos Tighten Slot Machines


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